Author Archive

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

A Swinging Pair

New balls – I mean posts – at Trapped by Monsters: The Tanuki who Spooked Me and On Being Inappropriate.

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Sunday, January 1st, 2012

A New Year Message For Us All

Here (below) are some carrots. The Japanese word for them is ‘NINJIN’. Here (below) is one of the best live acts I’ve ever seen in my life – the awesomely raucous Ken South Rock – playing, last night, a song the title of which is the Japanese word for people: ‘NINGEN’. Here (below) is the […]

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Saturday, December 24th, 2011

Happy Thing, from Japan!

This, in case you didn’t know, is Shibuya Crossing. Watching it as the lights change is hypnotic. 😀 Whether it’s Christmas you’re celebrating, or (like the Japanese) New Year is the big thing for you, or what, here’s wishing A Very Happy, er, Thing! to all readers. *waves from Tokyo* Sam

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Friday, December 23rd, 2011

More Faces of Tokyo

Reactions to my presence here have varied. There’s been warmth and friendliness, as from this chap at The Edo-Tokyo Museum… …mild curiosity, as from these guys… …and, of course, the occasional stare. The only time I’ve felt a bad vibe here was from this bloke: But that was probably just because he’s heard how much […]

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Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

My New Favourite T-Shirt

Meguro Parasitological Museum is awesome. See the brown, um, detailing on this t-shirt? It’s part of the design. This t-shirt celebrates the pride of the museum’s collection – an eight metre long tapeworm. As anyone who’s read Crawlers will probably have guessed I’m fascinated by parasites: I knew I was going to visit this museum […]

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Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

Where The Monsters Are Kept

One reason I came to Japan was to look for monsters. One place I’ve found them is Mandarake, in Nakano Broadway. It’s a hive-like mall of small stalls selling manga, anime, idol merch and all kinds of other stuff. My favourite things were the toys and figurines from old tokusatsu films and dramas. Everything was […]

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Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Dug For You

Another year has passed since I last made some music recommendations. So here goes… That people are out there tracking down strange, amazing, otherwise-impossible-to-find things and showing them to the world is probably what I love most about living in the internet age. But what was new in 2011 for me was that much of […]

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Saturday, December 17th, 2011

Faces of Tokyo

Spotted this guy soon after arriving here. I knew how he felt. This fellow below was guarding a shrine at Mount Takao. I think the wire was to protect me, not him. I met these two characters below at Meiji Jingu, a very solemn and serious place. …More faces of Tokyo to follow. 😀

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Saturday, December 17th, 2011

Vote Monster

Thanks to @Destroyer_199 for linking to the best thing to come out of the US presidential elections so far: If Godzilla became America’s president, could Tim become Britain’s prime minister? Now, that would be a ‘special relationship’ I could believe in. ;p

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Thursday, December 15th, 2011

One of my heroes

I saw the first reports on Twitter last night as I was finishing up the day’s writing: Russell Hoban has died. There have already been some fine things written about him. Here’s an obit in UK paper The Guardian. This one from his editor David Lloyd, is my favourite. Though his creativity remained as strong […]

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