Crawlers - By Sam Enthoven


I was HUGELY inspired by author visits to my school when I was my readers' age. Now, the chance of passing that passion for reading and writing along to new generations is the main reason I do what I do (well: that and thinking about monsters!;D)

Since the publication in Sept '06 of my debut novel The Black Tattoo I've been building up as much events experience as I possibly can, talking to groups of all sizes from three to my current record, three hundred and fifty. Here's a slideshow with some pics of me in action:

If you're interested in having me come and do my stuff at a school, bookshop or library you know, then just drop a line to this address for further details:


'The children were still "buzzing" long after you had gone! Your visit was a great success. I really do appreciate your total dedication and enthusiasm. You obviously love what you do and that is so apparent in every word you say.' Maeliosa Shapland, LRC Manager, Amersham School, Buckinghamshire.

'Thank you for a terrific day. Your energy and enthusiasm were really infectious and the feedback I received from the children was just brilliant. You have certainly made an impact here. Good luck with the new book, and I do hope you can come and see us again in the future.' Lynne Cooper, Librarian, Burford School, Oxfordshire.

'On Wed 30th April we were visited by the mad genius that is Sam Enthoven. The students of nearby Noel Park Primary School had been prepared by their teacher, and the questions started before they'd even sat down. "How many words do you write a day?" "How much money do you make?" "How many books are you going to write?" "What colour are your socks?" (I may have made that last one up). Sam dealt with them all in his own inimitable - slightly over-enthusiastic, yet truly lovable - way. And everybody had a lovely time.' Tim West, Bookseller, The Big Green Bookshop.

'Please pass on our thanks to Sam Enthoven who visited Range High School last Friday, 1st Feb. He spoke, very successfully, to a group of year 7 students. He was exceedingly enthusiastic, obviously loving what he does and the pupils responded to this. He grasped their attention, they all listened intently and asked worthwhile questions. Sam made sure each felt that their question was important. Sam was truly impressive, it was refreshing to hear him reinforce the importance of reading; how it expands vocabulary and helps in the acquisition of critical skills. Since his visit many have been asking when the next author will be speaking. This is praise indeed from 11 and 12 year olds who rate so much in life as 'boring'. He was most inspiring and we do hope that he achieves great success as an author. Yours sincerely, Hilary Hawkins / Jackie Cox, Librarians.' Range High School, Formby, Liverpool.

'Hi Sam the school visit was absolutely fantastic the talk was amazing you have really inspired me I never used to read but you really listen to every question. Thank you so much from Nat, 12, Brockwell Middle School' -as quoted (verbatim!) from the Guestbook of